Hello My Friends,
Today Frosty and his pal are bringing you a Mrs. Colonial's Kitchen original recipe.
The countdown is on! Christmas is less than a week away and all through the house, all creatures, animal and human, are stirring. The aroma of holiday baking is bringing the full sense of home to Mrs. Colonial, and even though it's storming outside, we're all warm and cozy inside as we sit next to the fire munching on these wealthfully flavorful cookies.

I call these cookies "chocolate chip cookies with a spin". The flavor combination of the slightly bitter almonds mixed with the earthy hazelnuts is oh so satisfying. And because they are on the healthier side, you can eat double the amount of cookies with half the guilt!

I forgot to include the hazelnut spread in the vignette before I snapped the photo, but I was able to edit it in. Don't you just love the power of computers today?
I've been slow to add original recipes to my website, so that will be one of my goals for 2022.

In the meantime, enjoy this recipe with your family, and PLEASE, have yourself a merry little Christmas!

I have additional baking instructions on my website. You can view them HERE.
. . . AND have yourself a very, very happy NEW YEAR! That's it for this blog until 2020 two! If you'd like to follow along on Instagram, @rockhavenfarm_ , I'll have a crew here the week after Christmas installing a beautiful new lake view trail lined with tons of mossy rocks and boulders found here on the farm, weather permitting.
With tons of love,