As the holiday season approaches and our yearning to celebrate our homes with others increases, it's the perfect time to think about the message our foyers are sending to our guests. Every room you design or create for your guests has an engagement window, a period of time you have to swoon them into wanting to come in and experience more. Since the foyer is where most people enter your home, the Element of Engagement is crucial here.
I recently traveled back in my mind to when I first entered Mrs. Colonial's foyer.

I remember feeling excited to get my first look inside, but the experience wasn't what I had anticipated it would be, and I instantly knew why. I didn't feel anything sparking my interest when the door opened. Yes, the space was expansive, and there was a spiral staircase, but it didn't engage my senses. There was nothing to draw me in.
During our extensive remodel a lot of attention was paid to enhancing the space. Function was high on the priority list, but I also wanted to elevate the experience of walking in.

Once the space planning was complete and the construction was done,

And the finishes were applied,

and the fixtures were brought in, we were finally able to experience the space as it should have always been - dramatic and engaging yet comfortable and classic.

Highlighting the primary design element, the spiral staircase, with a dramatic glossy black layer of paint gave it the importance it deserved. Installation of the paisley wallpaper further showcased the staircase while also establishing the black and white theme and classic styling. The dark custom herringbone wood floor offered further richness to the design while offering a counter balance to the theme. It also gives a nod to what would have been original to an old Colonial home thereby fulfilling a level expectance and offering comfort.
I've never been one to do a lot of decorating for Fall, however, just a few days ago I got the bug to add some flourishes of BeautiFALL.

Just moments after decorating the staircase, I had a delivery person arrive who said, "Wow, that's the most beautiful staircase I have ever seen! It makes me want to come here for Thanksgiving." Talk about instant gratification!
As you may know, I began a passion project, which is my own magazine - My Northern Home E-Magazine. Below is a page from the latest issue that will be out in the next couple of weeks.

I have a section in the magazine focused on foyer design with a deep dive into creating a space that engages your guests and makes them want to experience more.

It will contain a free guide all about the Element of Engagement in interior design. It's a crucial element in any room, but never more appropriate than in the foyer. It's something I've put together with tips I've learned over the years.
If you'd like to receive the free guide, or the latest issue of my magazine . . .

. . . make sure you subscribe to get my emails, or follow me on Instagram @rockhavenfarm_ .
Fall is the perfect time to showcase a cozy abode in the mountains. This one is special to me because I designed all the interiors, and as you'll read in the magazine, you'll have an opportunity to stay as our guest, which we're very excited about.
Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the sights and sounds of Fall as it comes into view, and enjoy the renewal and hope this new season will surely bring.